Overview of Presentations

Asian Focusing Methods

Person-Centered Expressive Arts: The Unfolding Creative Connection®

Body Mapping with Guided Drawing: A Sensorimotor Art Therapy Approach

Akira Ikemi, Ph.D.
Fiona Chang, Ph.D., RSW, REAT
Cornelia Elbrecht, MA, AThR, SATh, SEP
May 8th, 2025
5-7pm PDT  /  8-10pm EDT

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July 21, 2025 
5-7pm PDT  /  8-10pm EDT

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November 10, 2025
3-5pm PST  /  6-7pm EST

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If you cannot attend the Live Presentation via Zoom, the recordings will be available for you to watch at your convenience for up to 2 months.

Full Presentation Descriptions

Asian Focusing Methods
Akira Ikemi, Ph.D.

Asian Focusing Methods evolved out of Akira’s experiences in Focusing within meditation. Asian Focusing is a mindful path to Focusing, incorporating two basic principles– experiencing and becoming aware (sati).  It is embedded in an Asian attitude of ‘no-self’.  Thus, instead of a ‘me’ who is trying to focus, or a ‘me’ who is checking for issues in life, or a ‘me’ who is trying to clear a space– thoughts just arise and dissolve; a felt sense may come and it may go.

Currently, Akira has developed three Asian Focusing Methods: Blue Sky Meditation, Kansoh Focusing, and Kanga Focusing.  In this presentation, Akira will offer two demonstrations: Kansoh Focusing and Kanga Focusing.  Kansoh Focusing includes observing thoughts; Kanga Focusing incorporates a method of observing selves. Gratitude and compassion– “May you be well and happy”– permeate Asian Focusing Methods. Akira’s enriching presentation will also include experiential exercises for participants to practice with each other; and time for questions and answers.

Person-Centered Expressive Arts: The Unfolding Creative Connection®
Fiona Chang, Ph.D., RSW, REAT

This presentation includes a brief overview of the development of expressive arts in Hong Kong and the influence of the pioneering work of Natalie Rogers– founder of Person-Centered Expressive Arts (PCEA) and the Creative Connection®.  The humanistic principles of Person-Centered Expressive Arts are in line with the Chinese philosophy of loving-kindness, compassion, caring, patience, and open-mindedness.

Fiona will also present examples demonstrating the application of Person-Centered Expressive Arts, including working with couples and cancer, trainees in Nepal, and more. Through the Creative Connection®, different arts modalities are integrated– fostering an inner permission to create, play, listen, explore, understand, accept, and release. Participants experiencing Person-Centered Expressive Arts learn an effective, creative approach to grow and live. Experiential practice exercises will be included to experience the Creative Connection®.

Body Mapping with Guided Drawing: A Sensorimotor Art Therapy Approach
Cornelia Elbrecht, MA, AThR, SATh, SEP

This presentation provides an introduction to Guided Drawing®– an approach developed by Cornelia Elbrecht that uses rhythmic bilateral repetition to explore emotions and felt sensations in the body as flowing or blocked internal movements. Trauma manifests physiologically as bracing patterns, tension, pain, or numbness, accompanied by strong emotions. In Guided Drawing®, the focus is not on the story of what happened, but on the implicit responses needed in that present moment. The process is self-guided, which is profoundly empowering for the client.

Clients draw their involuntary motor impulses with both hands and closed eyes on large sheets of paper increasingly focusing on the movements needed to ease the felt tension or pain. Being able to apply a ‘self-massage’ or to complete a thwarted impulse to act can be surprisingly effective. The therapist has the option to introduce archetypal shapes as interventions to structure and support this bottom-up approach.

This presentation is both didactic and experiential. After presenting the core concepts of Guided Drawing®, Cornelia will teach three archetypal shapes that serve to resource clients, along with time for a self-directed experience of Guided Drawing®.  There will be opportunities for sharing and question-answer.

Please note that CE Hours must be purchased separately: Akira (2 CEs) – Fiona (2 CEs) – Cornelia (2 CEs)

Roots, Branches, and Wings

Pioneers, Master Teachers, and More