Asian Focusing Methods
Akira Ikemi, Ph.D.
Presentation Description
Thursday, May 8th, 2025 5:00 - 7:00pm PDT / 8:00 - 10:00pm EDT
For Asia: Friday, May 9th, 2025 / Click here for your time zone
Asian Focusing Methods evolved out of Akira’s experiences in Focusing within meditation. Asian Focusing is a mindful path to Focusing, incorporating two basic principles– experiencing and becoming aware (sati). It is embedded in an Asian attitude of ‘no-self’. Thus, instead of a ‘me’ who is trying to focus, or a ‘me’ who is checking for issues in life, or a ‘me’ who is trying to clear a space– thoughts just arise and dissolve; a felt sense may come and it may go.
Currently, Akira has developed three Asian Focusing Methods: Blue Sky Meditation, Kansoh Focusing, and Kanga Focusing. In this presentation, Akira will offer two demonstrations: Kansoh Focusing and Kanga Focusing. Kansoh Focusing includes observing thoughts; Kanga Focusing incorporates a method of observing selves. Gratitude and compassion– “May you be well and happy”– permeate Asian Focusing Methods. Akira’s enriching presentation will also include experiential exercises for participants to practice with each other; and time for questions and answers.
If you cannot attend the Live presentation via Zoom, the recording will be available for you to watch at your convenience for up to 2 months!
CE Information
This program is eligible for 2 Continuing Education (CE) hours! Click here for CE information and purchasing (must purchase separately).
Note: CE hours are only eligible for those that attend the full LIVE presentation on May 8, 2025.
Focusing and Expressive Arts Institute has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7596. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Focusing and Expressive Arts Institute is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
About the Presenter
Akira Ikemi, Ph.D., studied with Professor Eugene Gendlin at the University of Chicago around the time the book Focusing was published. He has taught full time at universities in Japan, and is currently professor at Kansai University Graduate School of Psychology (Professor Emeritus after April 1, 2025). Akira is a Certifying Coordinator of The International Focusing Institute (TIFI) and has served as a board member of that institute, as well as of other academic organizations, including the World Association for Person Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling, and the Japanese Association for Humanistic Psychology. He is one of the founders and past-presidents of the Japan Focusing Association. Dr. Ikemi has written many articles and books in Japanese and in English, and teaches internationally online. He was named a “Living Luminary” by the Journal of Humanistic Counseling (USA) and he is the fifteenth person to receive the prestigious Japanese Association of Humanistic Psychology Award.
Registration Details
Please register with your preferred contact email – this will be your account email, where you will receive all communication about the presentation. If you have taken a course through our FOAT Online School, please register with your existing account!
For scholarship/work study inquiries please contact us by April 24, 2025.
All presentations in our Roots, Branches, and Wings series are open to those new and experienced in Focusing, Expressive Arts, and FOAT!
If you have any questions or comments, please email us at [email protected].
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