Overview of Presentations

The Marriage of Expressive Arts and Jungian Psychology

Kate Donohue, Ph.D., REAT

Dynamic Expressive Focusing: Being Seriously Playful 

René Veugelers
July 15, 2024 from 3 - 5pm PDT
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October 17, 2024 from 11am - 1pm PDT
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 A natural kinship exists between expressive arts and Jungian Psychology. Both are image-based approaches to understanding and healing the psyche, highlighting the symbolic process in their own unique fashion. While the expressive arts emphasize the artmaking process and the phenomena of an image, Jungian Psychology places more emphasis on the symbolic process and meaning of our image.

This presentation weaves together the theory and practice of both approaches, creating a Jungian-oriented expressive arts healing tapestry of images, emotions, understanding, and transformation.  We will explore the basic concepts of expressive arts and Jungian Psychology, along with how they compare and contrast.  Jungian Theory has an expansive orientation exploring the personal, cultural, and collective unconscious as well as parallel complexes or wounding.  

Learning will be through experiential process, creative discussions, and suggested readings.

Does it sometimes seem like a challenge to find words to fit your Felt Sense? Wouldn't it be relaxing to invite your body to express itself in color and/or in movement, instead of words?

Nonverbal communication, bodily expression, creativity, and Focusing seem like four different categories. In René’s work as a Children Focusing Professional and Art Therapist, he combines and connects these four aspects into one integrated approach: Dynamic Expressive Focusing.  This approach supports ‘the living forward energy’ to glow– to move and grow.

In this presentation, René will invite you to create your wondering space– an open, unconditional acceptance towards the unfolding felt sense and its expression through colors, images, gestures, sounds, and words. This non-verbal attunement and communication supports your natural process and carries forward a new and unexpected dimension and depth to the Focusing process, accessing your bodily wisdom through interaction. This will be a Seriously Playful Focusing Journey– using Listening in three directions!

René will share examples of Dynamic Expressive Focusing with children and teenagers.  Come and see with your eyes, feel with your hands, and create your inner wondering space for fresh discoveries!

If you cannot attend the Live Presentation via Zoom, the recordings will be available for you to watch at your convenience for up to 2 months.

Roots, Branches, and Wings

Pioneers, Master Teachers, and More